Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin.

The Alpha Division hereby is gonna crush that damn Echo Division.

I- 2Iron Funky3, have devoted my life to your mot her jokes. I have not only went above and beyond with this, but me and my fellow HCOM have now come to a cross roads in which this has led to internal dispute. 

For a long time, we have let Alpha accuse us of having "bad banter" or stating the Irish accent is inferior to the British? (HUH??) Furthermore, Kailey has had a bad influence on Zelly, by trying to force BAGGED MILK down her throat, alongside keeping her up?!?!? CSY has had Brad crouched over his laptop for MONTHS recruiting like a mad man. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Bring it Echo, we will not back down against you or your mot hers. This is gonna be the worst week of your lives. STRAP IN.

We are Alpha, you are Beta? (Echo is like five letters later loserz).

2Iron Funky3
Spider Brad
Black Zillow
War Cubchine
Rob Panther

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