Templars #1: On Hypocrisy; Against Context

Addressed to the Club Penguin Army community.

In light of recent events, the Templars of Club Penguin have made an attempt to tarnish the name of the Army of Club Penguin in two posts, outlining "hypocrisy", in a post that included screenshots taken from the hacking of a former staff member's discord account, as well as allegations of former troops/members saying some dodgy content. In light of the Templars' first response, in which they defend themselves with claims of screenshots being "outdated", or from "visitors" of the army, a post in which it is evident that they not only feel no remorse, but fully defend their actions - this serves as an official response from the Army of Club Penguin.

On August 12th, 2020, crocket, Templars leader, released a post titled "The Hypocrisy of ACP". 

Part 1: On Past Staff, and Past Screenshots

As the Templars so eloquently put it "I request you tell me the last time we have sent Nazi propaganda and genocidal images in your chat. On the other hand, here’s a picture taking from the ACP chat"

Lets talk hypocrisy. When was the last time you sent genocidal images to our chat? December. When was this picture sent? December. Firstly, our declaration of war was NOT in regards to your Nazi propaganda from December; if we concede that such images were from the past and so not admissible in this war, so is this image from December.

In addition, as the Templars once again put "Finally, Venom and Cobra are not part of our army". Koloway has departed from the ACP for a while now and is now leading Elites.


In addition, Dillon hasn't been in ACP for god knows how long.

In addition, it seems like Cobra and Venom were promptly removed from Advisory following the ACP declaration:

Templars - don't just dismiss Cobra and Venom as "visitors" when they were advisors one day ago. What this shows is that the Templars not only feel no remorse, but are now undergoing damage control, to just claim that "no, they're not with us anymore".


A. The image was sent in December in response to an actual beheading. If the Templars' defense that such issues occured in the past stands, then ACP is thus also exculpated from this argument - unlike what Crocket tries to lead you to believe, this was an old screenshot, from the Second Clover Crusade.

B. If the Templars are excused for racist comments in main because the perpetrators are not part of their army, ACP is too excused, as Koloway is no longer part of our army.

Part 1 TLDR:
The Templars are hypocrites. You defend yourself under the argument of "time", of these people "not being in your army", yet use the exact same thing to condemn the Army of Club Penguin. The very fact that you can only find retired members of the ACP to try to generalize about the current members of the Army is despicable.

If you want to dig up the past, then bring up your history of sending genocidal images, sending Nazi propaganda, and absolute gore. One OG ACP Higher command (?), one ex leader sending an image, is comparable to what YOU guys have done? 

ACP don't condone these actions, but again, it's not my place to address this, as these two people are both no longer in the army. 

Part 2: On War Planning

It is true that the Army of Club Penguin have planned this for a while - but let's figure out when this started.

On July 14th, the Templars were officially removed from the NDA.

Xing said:

Before this, the Army of Club Penguin turned a blind eye against the Templars - unlike the 2nd Clover Crusade, they no longer terrorized ACP's main chat - and the ACP had been independent for a while.

In the consideration of whether to continue the alliance with the Templars involved considering their history, the ACP immediately searched through their public chats to see if they had indeed changed. Not surprisingly, they haven't.

Unlike what you might think, we don't go around saving all screenshots of Templars in a Templars folder. Now knowing that they were still publicly homophobic and racist, the Army of Club Penguin could no longer sit back and observe. The DM's to bschar "leaked" to expose me was that - collection of evidence upon realizing the Templars' homophobic and racist culture.

However, upon knowing that the RFCP had declared on the Templars less than a week later, the ACP decided to step back, as we 1) The Recon Federation of Club Penguin were presumably already standing up against the Templars' actions; 2) as an army that has been ganged up upon before, we didn't want to gang up on the Templars.

What enraged us further though, was the post by Cobra - in which the Templars not only show no remorse but basically troll the entire situation, making fun of RFCP's post in instances such as these:

To be clear - the Army of Club Penguin is not standing up for the RFCP - we have our own tumultous history of conflict. However, what we do stand up for is what's right - and this response by former advisor Cobra shows us that the Templars are not sorry at all.

Part 2 TLDR:

Yes, we've been planning this since Xing claimed you changed in the NDA, and it was brought to our knowledge, that you haven't.

Part 3: On "Land Grabbing" and Bullying of SM Armies

This is absolutely hilarious to me. 


Bschar, a retired ACP mod, said that "this looks like a land grab". Bschar, who in the same screenshot says he's cool with the Templars. This is proof that ACP are just declaring war for land?

Let's talk about CC. It's comical to me that the Templars compares our war against the CC to their blatant acquisition of land against the CG, the OMA and the PIC.

For the full declaration read this: https://www.thearmyofcp.com/2020/05/urgent.html

The Army of Club Penguin declared war on the Coup Crusaders for blatant troop stealing, for claiming that ACP rigged the tournament. We attempted to resolve this amicably, but after "resolving" the situation, me and my higher command were banned AGAIN from the CC chat.

The declaration of war happened when ACP was maxing about 30, against CC who was maxing about 20.

CC maxing 20 before the declaration

Invasion of Slushy - ACP maxing 30.

However, upon the declaration, multiple CC leaders retired, their chat was defaced by ex leaders, and they had to start all over. Before that, the CC maxed a fair amount - it wasn't our fault that they fell after.

Seeing that the Coup Crusaders had taken steps to change, we agreed to a friendly war with a couple of battles, including deciding server ownership by sled racing.

What other army has EVER let an army take their servers back by winning in a sled race?

ACP then released all the gained territory as free land.

I will also add this from our initial declaration:

"we are not here to police the map or surrounding politics"

What we took issue with, Templars, is not you bullying SM armies - if you think that's okay, props to yall. What we took issue with is you bullying SM armies, then when a semblance of a threat came around, you decided to not even fight RFCP and transfer all servers to the Ice Warriors. We take issue with the hypocrisy.

Part 3 TLDR:

It absolutely disgusts me that the Templars' bullying of SM armies for the mere reason of acquisition of land is compared to ACP being troop stolen from, being called for rigging a tournament, and being banned multiple times afterwards even though we tried diffusing the situation. Allegations of us "land grabbing" is absolutely false given our history of releasing land after wars.

Part 4: Foreign Relations

The PZF are our allies, and have been close ones for a while. Just like when CG came to us asking for aid and we stepped in, we have aided the PZF because they asked for it. We have not - and we've made this clear - involved ourselves with the RFCP. We are merely there to support our allies. What kind of allies would we be if we turned on our friends when they needed it the most?

I quote once again from the Templars:

"They also boldly state that ‘IW support racism and homophobia’ which is not true."

As the Templars put it so eloquently - "which is not true" - the Army of Club Penguin never said that IW support racism and homophobia.


The acceptance of the Templars' servers amidst ACP's war declaration, is a passive condoning - or "acceptance" as google defines it - of the Templars' actions. As the Ice Warriors are now defending the Templars land, it just seemed to us that they were "accepting" the actions of the Templars. Not "supporting racism and homophobia", but not taking into consideration the homophobic and racist actions of the Templars.

In regards to the Ice Warriors - Thank you Templars for showing context.

The Ice Warriors came to a birthday celebration, then shouted "S for SNAKES". 

In regards to the RPF:


Kailey is firstly a moderator of the ACP, and does not represent the thoughts of the higher command. In addition, it seems that this was due to a personal history with various retired members of the RPF: Pookie, Emcee, and Ulti.

Upon being told that all 3 were now no longer in RPF, Kailey apologized

Upon talking to Kailey, it seems that she wasn't aware these members had retired from the RPF, and does not think the current RPF are "shady".

Part 4 TLDR:

We aren't supporting RFCP, we're supporting our allies.

Thank you Templars for showing context, in which IW came to raid our event shouting obscene tactics in a birthday celebration.

We apologize to the RPF for the ignorance, in terms of the leadership changes, and in no way believe that they are currently "shady".



In conclusion - careful dissection of the "evidence" presented by the Templars shows that they have taken situations out of context, and put words into our mouths that fall apart at second glance. If you want to call us out on hypocrisy, make sure you aren't being hypocritical yourselves.

Here, the Army of Club Penguin has shown the Templars' hypocrisy - if you want the community to excuse you of racist and homophobic content 1 month ago, said by your leaders no less, then why are ACP at fault for content 8 months ago, by retirees? If you want to compare our war versus the Coup Crusaders, in which we were troop stolen from, accused for rigging a tournament, and repeatedly banned even trying to resolve the situation to your conquests of land, at least mention how we let CC keep servers based on sled racing, and released all land after the war. 


CSY, ACP Leader

Max, ACP UK Leader/2ic

2funky3, ACP US Leader/2ic

Zelly, ACP 2ic

Robot, ACP 3ic

Kailey, ACP 3ic

Cubster, ACP 3ic

Mchappy, Acting PoG