[US] Farewell party with Chaos - Results!

Hey ACP (and Chaos)!

We fought together in World War Rewritten...

ACP defending Mammoth...
whilst Chaos simultaneously defended Beanie
We fought against each other in a Practice Battle...

Today, we logged on to throw Chaos a final farewell party, where we maxed 65.

Chaos, amidst much of the community turning against us, came and fought by our side in World War Rewritten, defending us. Chaos have been our most loyal brother allies in this generation as of thus. They truly embody what it means to do all for your brother - and albeit their chaotic exterior is a heart of gold. They have time and time proven their allegiance with the ACP. It is with great honor that I officially inaugurate Orange, Owl and Zero into our Hall of Fame page as allies and friends of the ACP.

One last time.

Here Comes Chaos!

March on, brothers.

ACP Leader


  1. I came.


  2. Welp.. Time to cry for a couple hours. We'll miss you, Chaos!

  3. Chaos was my first army when I came back to the CPA community after 5 years. They helped me reconnect with people I've known since my early CPA days and they helped me meet new friends. I'm glad to have been a part of the army and I'm proud to have fought in WWR with them and ACP (I came back, got handed a gun, and was fold to fight a week later which was fun). Chaos is in my heart forever ❤️ -Nikki

    and after all acp is my only army ily all no hetero

  4. I couldn't attend at event, but I give my salute to Chaos Army. Farewell.
