Bolded = Promoted
Italicized = Demoted
Army of Club Penguin
Kailey, Slider
Red= USA/CA || Blue = UK/EUR || Green = Oceanic/AUSIA
Commander in Chief
Field Marshal
Max, 2funky3
Zelly, Kailey, Brad, Robot, Cubster
Field General
Lieutenant General
Aeropos, Blazer, Lenco
Aeropos, Blazer, Lenco
Major General
ZoomXT, Bscharbach2, Sarah, Oddone, 69chekochekdar, Zoomey
Marquis, Mochii, Nick, Litt7, Sirplus, Mike, Lord Flash, Moki
Ming, Skipper
ZoomXT, Bscharbach2, Sarah, Oddone, 69chekochekdar, Zoomey
Marquis, Mochii, Nick, Litt7, Sirplus, Mike, Lord Flash, Moki
Ming, Skipper
SilentSniper, Spinister
SilentSniper, Spinister
Cherry Cherry, Henry, Jeser, Maki Diezl, Furry Kailey, Aceshigh, Lucia
Cherry Cherry, Henry, Jeser, Maki Diezl, Furry Kailey, Aceshigh, Lucia
Uhh, Stef, Thedesiindian, Felix Raycher, Death
Uhh, Stef, Thedesiindian, Felix Raycher, Death
First Lieutenant
Kimi, DIO, Arctiblaine, Flippy,
Kimi, DIO, Arctiblaine, Flippy,
Second Lieutenant
GFXManiacs, Sharkbate, Jay
GFXManiacs, Sharkbate, Jay
Sergeant Major
Bug, StrangeTRY, FatChicken
Warrant Officer
Shebyr, Derek, UTuber
Master Sergeant
Spyman, Yyeellooww7, NotASeat, Aliciaa, Simple egg
Shebyr, Derek, UTuber
Master Sergeant
Spyman, Yyeellooww7, NotASeat, Aliciaa, Simple egg
Staff Sergeant
LaBeerCrate, Powerprimate, RedFireFreak, Upcoming Mage, Reddo, Mikey, Laboss, Joanne, PaddyV,
Dogfight, LuluLove, Ketchup-Kun, JJ (Cheesecake), APPLE6683, FatChicken, Addy
Gianna, NoobCola, Toasty, Taylor, Wyperr, BigBorax, Coolhandsully
Gianna, NoobCola, Toasty, Taylor, Wyperr, BigBorax, Coolhandsully
AyeTheBlueBall, Cedrik_Boi, Cygral, Dasiy, Double06, Disneyland, Enguinpay2.0, FogHorn, Gravitea, Icey, Josh Laurn, Kaismashuniverse, Tucker, Lily250, Mahaer, Marie, Master Kyl, Midori, mow, Mikhil, PinkDino, Sanya, Sir.Mario, vader, Yetico
AyeTheBlueBall, Cedrik_Boi, Cygral, Dasiy, Double06, Disneyland, Enguinpay2.0, FogHorn, Gravitea, Icey, Josh Laurn, Kaismashuniverse, Tucker, Lily250, Mahaer, Marie, Master Kyl, Midori, mow, Mikhil, PinkDino, Sanya, Sir.Mario, vader, Yetico
Lance Corporal
Edible Glue, Alien, ArCheron, BakedEggs, Bill Sans, Bluescout, Bovely, BRe Melon, Carl, ChairFuzz, Chubbymonster, Cus cus, Dooferberry, Double, Electrified, Epic Games Employee, Faiqa, FitnessIsNotMyPassion, FiveNights, FROST_Hyper, GenBEar, Gibberish, Gumble Dor, Heckler, Hfsm, Itsmemarri, Jack O latern, Jazmin,, Jinjonjal, Jennybeth, JoeUnderdog, Jongles, JoshepPeter, Kodachi, Karma, Kohaku, Lapis, Lil Peanut, LillyTheLoner, LittleGuavz, MagmaMixer, Mogull, Mow, Mr BeesGy, Mr Beebo, MrBearCuddles, Naddel, Naty, NEwton, Nixion pw, Noah8s, Olimad3 Pablito44, Pan dorado, Potato202, Paulie, Penguinator, Proski, Pudi, R2 Bee2, Randomguy01, Rat, Sam Trickshot, Scamper, Spartan, SquidGhost, Sr. Mario, Taya, Thomas, Tidal, Tobuccop, Tucker, VolkingDeath, Vzy, Wes World, Whoareyou, Wuperr, Xande, Yellowcookie7, Zayita
This will be your rank when you first join the army! To rank up to Lance Corporal, simply attend your first event!
King Mondo, MchappySupervisors
Kailey, Slider
ACP Panel of Guardians
Mchappy*, Shaboomboom, Flipmoo, Boomer20
* denotes current acting Guardian
* denotes current acting Guardian
Congratulations to all those promoted!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to those promoted! well deserved