ACP récapitulation de la semaine #7!!! Avril 5th to 11th

Hey troops of ACP! 
First of all, Happy Easter to all! hope you enjoy it and let your close ones know you love them!  

what a week! we're getting very close to the finals on 4/18! 
Make sure to read previous battle tips and observe on how to do tactics efficiently and effectively during events and battle!
While we are all inside for spring, lets make sure to stay up to date with acp events and also our irl events as well! Talk to your family, friends, or pets
ACP recommends you stay hydrated and eat your fruits and vegetables! 
Good job to troops this week and to staff and hcom as well! Everyone puts in their part to keep ACP up and running!
This recap was started wayy back by Purple Slime 4, always got to mention that. 
Also thanks to Koloway for these new updated snazzy images that can be used with the recaps! :D Lets get the Important announcement in and then we will start!
>>April 18th RPF vs. ACP<<
Make sure other fellow troops see this schedule!

ok now to the events, Check out how we did this week!

 Sunday 5th of April
size: 52
tactic rating: 8/10

[US] Battle Training Event [Results]
size: 32
tactic rating: 7.5/10


 Monday 6th of April


Tuesday 7th of April
[UK] Pre Battle Training! {RESULTS}
size: 45
tactic rating: 8/10


 Wednesday 8th of April
[UK] War Training {RESULTS}
size: 38
tactic rating: 8/10

[US] Battle vs OMA! {RESULTS} 
size: 53
tactic rating: 9/10

[SPEC OPS] Random Tie Event Results! 
size: 37
tactic rating: 7.5/10


 Thursday 9th of April
[UK] Bunny Event! [RESULTS]
size: 100+
tactic rating: 8/10

[US] Operation Overlord Training [Results]
size: 25+
tactic rating: 8/10


Friday 10th of April


 Saturday 11th of April
[UK] Battle vs. RPF! [RESULTS]
size: 55+
tactic rating: 8/10

[UK/US] Post Battle Training 
size: 49+
tactic rating: 9/10


read it!

UK + US Force

Current average size: 55+

Performance rating: 8.3/10


Current average size: 37 ^+1

Performance rating: 7.5/10 ^-0.2

Overall performance: 15.8/20!

We have the finals this upcoming Saturday! Make sure to let your fellow troops know about it! This is going to be a crucial week, make sure to keep up the good work!

*The rating is calculated with last week's

We had 10 successful events this week!

 We had 1 AUSIA event, 5 UK events, and 3 US events, and 1 UK/US event

The highest sizes we’ve reached this week were up to 100+ during the UK bunny suit event!

12 posts were posted throughout the week! 
UK+US both are first with an average score of 8.3/10 for the tactic rating and  AUSIA's trailing with a tactic rating of 7.5/10.


 On to the final part of this recap, make sure to stay pumped, hydrated, and tidying up inside! Spring is here! so, if safe, make sure to take a trip to the backyard and breath in some air and stretch alot. It's all important to keep healthy not only physically, but also mentally! 
Happy Easter!

 Play this to get faster at typing!         ^^^^
Videos on my playlist

 me ^

 some cool soundtracks

NOW SOME random pics! 

 I'll probably update this as the week goes by if ppl actually read these ._. okie well thats a wrap to this week! REMEMBER TO LOOK AT THE DISCORD FOR UPDATES! Don't be a stranger, come hang with us and get to know your fellow troops! March on! even tho it aint march anymore ._.