Think you had what it took in December 2019 to earn a promotion? Comment BELOW using the following form if you would like to be eligible for a promotion:

Discord Tag:
Current Rank:
Activity on a scale of 1-10:
Reason you think you deserve a promotion:

Thanks for a great month!
ACP Commander in Chief


  1. Discord Tag: Koloway#2114
    Current Rank: private
    Activity on a scale of 1-10: 2
    Reason you think you deserve a promotion: im just that cool homie

  2. UTuber888
    Staff Serg.
    Im active alot :)

  3. rai rank Major + aly rpf Attend 1 event my first event vith ACP

  4. aceshigh2358
    Ummm I'd say about an 8?
    I want a promotion because I'm cool? Well I'd like to think I am.

  5. Discord Tag: Austin#7039
    Current Rank: Major General
    Activity on a scale of 1-10: 7
    Reason you think you deserve a promotion: Led like 5 consecutive good tactics today so I'm basically ready for leader

  6. Discord Tag: Spyman#1974
    Current Rank: Lance Corporal
    Activity on a scale of 1-10: 8
    Reason you think you deserve a promotion: Ummm… I'm pretty active, and also I just cool?

  7. Discord Tag:MEE6#4703
    Current Rank: first lieutenant
    Activity on a scale of 1-10: 9
    Reason you think you deserve a promotion: I am active and love being promoted

  8. Discord Tag: Puffle#7624
    Current Rank: Staff Sergeant
    Activity on a scale of 1-10: 7 in my region (US/CA) and 4 overall
    Reason you think you deserve a promotion: I'm responsible and am good at tactics. I've been trying my best to balance my life including ACP, and I'm doing pretty good so far. My event attendance will stay about the same, and it might increase. I'm a good candidate for an HCOM if I ever reach it.

  9. Discord Tag:


    Current Rank:


    Activity on a scale of 1-10:


    Reason you think you deserve a promotion:

    I am the coolest member in the ACP, I put all the others in the dust because I'm just that cool.

  10. Discord Tag:zellybelly #1349
    Current Rank:Sergeant
    Activity on a scale of 1-10: 9
    Reason you think you deserve a promotion:im tying my best to make it to all the events i can with out risking my health

  11. Discord Tag: ShadowSaint
    Current Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
    Activity on a scale of 1-10: 9
    Reason you think you deserve a promotion: I've tried to help settle arguments in the chat, given helpful advice for those who need it, notified everyone ahead of time if I can't make it to events, been a friend to everyone and treated them with respect, and encouraged everyone to do their very best and not give up.

    1. Quick edit: My Discord tag is ShadowSaint#6716. Didn't realize we needed to include the numbers. Sorry 'bout that!

  12. Discord Tag: Aurora#4023
    Current Rank: Sergeant Major
    Activity on a scale of 1-10:8
    Reason you think you deserve a promotion: I think I've been pretty active and attended the events I could attend.

  13. Discord Tag: kailey#3501
    Current Rank: Sergeant
    Activity on a scale of 1-10: 8
    Reason you think you deserve a promotion: I've recently joined the server and throughout these weeks I have been able to learn a lot from the ACP. I try my best to attend most of the events and help out.

  14. discord tag = undefined kyuu#0001
    current rank = Staff Sergeant
    activity on a scale of 1-10 = 8
    Reason you think you deserve a promotion : i worked very hard in december of 2019 i still dont attended to a lot of events and i recognize that

  15. Discord Tag: Felix Raycher#9730
    Current Rank: Lance Corporal
    Activity on a scale of 1-10: 7
    Reason you think you deserve a promotion: Attending all UK events I could attend, hyping on Discord chat before and during event.
