Simon Says [RESULTS]

Heya, ACP!

Tonight we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten for a little fun, we played Simon Says! It was a success and we all had loads of fun, I was chuckling throughout the event! There will be more of these types of events in the future, I urge you all to come! We managed to get 20 people online, with a good 18 of you staying throughout the event. The more people who attend, the more fun we have!

It was so great seeing us throw snowballs at specific people, spamming E+T, running around in circles, and of course, laughing at each other mess up and accidentally do something Simon never said to do. ACP will always be a family to me, and I hope it is to you guys as well. We are in it for the fun, and all we could ever ask for is your participation. If you guys have any ideas for other fun events we could do in the near future, use the #suggestions channel on our Discord server and let us know!

ACP Commander in Chief